

What We Do

Our company is licensed, bonded and insured in the City of Peoria and the surrounding areas to provide electrical services that will exceed your expectations. We offer free estimates and guarantee high quality work. Safety and customer satisfaction are of our upmost concerns as a company. ​Our electricians are friendly, professional and will strive to meet your needs. Our goal is to make customers for life!

Residential Services

Our company specializes in quality electrical work. We'll work directly with you to develop a plan that is best for your home. We offer a variety of services including:

Service changes/upgrades

Panel changes/repairs

Trouble shooting issues

Ceiling fan/remote control installations

Repair Amendment Inspection Items

Plug/switch/light additions

Door bell installation

LED lighting upgrades

Under-cabinet lighting

Remodel or rewire projects

Recessed lighting


Surge protection

24 hour emergency service

And more! Contact us if you need a service that you don't see listed.

Commercial Services

Interested in commercial electrical services? Our electricians can handle elaborate projects such as:​


LED lighting upgrades

Maintenance and repairs

Lighting installation/upgrades


Equipment installation

24 hour emergency service

Low voltage installations

New construction

Solar System Design & Installs

We perform free onsite consultations to come up with a custom design and quote for a system that meets your electrical needs while being as cost effective as possible!

We specialize in both ground and roof mount systems

Well versed on current solar incentives, rebates and tax credits

Certified installers with the Illinois Commerce Commission

Ongoing production monitoring and management

Convenient apps for tracking solar production right on your phone!

The payback period for solar might be shorter than you think!